Sophie's Poetry 'CSA'

Sign up (or gift) a share in my poetry 'CSA'.

Think of it as Community Shared Art, instead of Community Shared Agriculture.
Although there is a harvest.

A harvest of poetry.
Like an agricultural CSA, you won't know exactly what the harvest will be each week, except that you will will receive a new poem that I write each week, and my gratitude for your support of my artistic re-emergence.
These might be poems or hybrid drawing/poems.
They might be poems connected to my new Text/ile project with Judy Martin (mentored by her).
Or poems connected to my explorations of the 19th century writer Anna Brownell Jameson.

Member benefits

Beginning early January, you will receive at minimum one new poem from me each week for a season (four months).

These poems will not be published elsewhere during the CSA season.

At the end of the season, I will create a chapbook of the poems and send each member a signed copy.

How to join?

- Decide how much you would like to contribute for your share.
- All shares are gratefully accepted, and no share is too small or too generous.*
- Join anytime during the CSA season.
- Join via Paypal by sending your membership amount to: (simply enter that address into your browser and follow the steps).
- Alternatively, send me your member share by e-transfer to:
- Send your email and snail mail addresses, or those of the person to whom you are gifting the membership to:
- Giving this as a Christmas gift?! I will send you a digital e-card for you to share with the lucky 'gift-ee'

* If there isn't enough in the share pool to cover the printing and shipping of the chapbooks, I will create a digital edition.

About me:

I am a curator, artist, writer and geographer (PhD ABD) living on Manitoulin Island | Mnidoo Mnising. I have a Certificate in Creative Writing from Humber College where I studied with Olive Senior and D.M. Thomas. My most recent writing credits can be found on my blog. I have a forthcoming chapter in a book on GeoPoetics (editors: Sarah DeLeeuw and Eric Magrane) and won third place in the 2014 Music Magazine sonic geographies contest. I am the founder of 4elements Living Arts and its Elemental Festival, and was the creative lead on the Billings Connections Trail project, which received the 2017 Lieutenant Governor cultural heritage award. I am passionate about walking, fieldbooks, moss, changing ice, and books, of course.


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